How to Speak the Language of Your Body To Promote Healing

Have you ever wondered what your body would say if it could speak to you? Did you know by listening to your body you can promote healing?


Your body already speaks to you through your nervous system’s response to the aches and pains in your body.


The human body is magical. It feels fully and collectively and when we listen deeper we can change centuries of trauma built into our DNA.


When you dedicate time and attention to healing and honoring your physical body, soul, emotions, magic happens.


Heal Your Body and Mind From Past Programming


You heal your body and mind from past programming and trauma by stepping into a new light that is more aligned with who you are meant to be.


And when your body, mind, and spirit are in alignment, you can then go and serve your own clients and watch your business prosper as you promote healing. 


Through my process of Emotional Body Mapping, I help my clients connect to their bodies.


We connect internally through memories, nervous system, the system of the chakras, cranial sacral movement, myofascial breath, grief, inspiration & expiration, forgiveness, love, compassion, and their connection to faith.


Emotional Body Mapping allows you to heal your own body, expand and go further than perhaps anything you’ve ever seen in your body.



When you connect to your body to promote healing and understand the language your entire life will shift before your eyes.


So, how do you start listening?


There are three things I would do to start the conversation of listening to the body and learning how to respond.




1. Do a one-minute body-scan at the beginning and end of every day.


Just by doing a simple daily*(morning and evening) body-scan and localizing the awareness of aches and pains at helps us realize how and where we take on feelings.


For example, if you haven’t had any physical activity that created an injury and you felt pain at the end of the day that was not there originally, perhaps it is someone else’s tensions you are holding.  


Taking on the pain of others is normal and part of having empathy.


Also, if you feel pain at the end of the day that was not there at the beginning of the day it could signify a tension of stress you are holding, like anger or sadness depending on the location of the pain in your body.  


For example, pain in the shoulders is where we carry others burdens and pain in the stomach is where we hold anxieties and fears.

How to Get Rid of Anxiety

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2.  Start letting your choices be guided.


Use your intuition rather than decisions through your logic/mind.


Understand where in your body you feel your yes and no.


Saying no allows you to hold space for you 100 percent without doubt. So, how do we know when we have a hundred percent?


Here is an exercise I do with my clients that helps them understand their intuition and where they feel it in their body.


To start, I want you to think of three things you would definitely say yes to if you were offered anything right now.


So let's say you got offered a trip around the world with a full year off of work, full pay to go around the world to go anywhere that you wanted.


You got to take whomever you wanted with you and you always could go back home to say hello.


So you don't even have to worry about being gone for too long.


Imagine the perfect man/woman in your life appears and they are ready to give you all the kisses and all the love that you have ever wanted and deserved.


Visualize having this amazing, abundant love happening in your life.


Where do you feel in your body?


You can change up the examples above as they are just examples that work for many people, but maybe your yes is something different.


The most important part is to be asking yourself, “Where do I feel that yes in my body?”


Does it move around?  Does it go upward? Does it go out or does it go down? Does it have a color? Does it have a weight? Does it have a temperature?


Try to gather as many details as possible to honor the feeling in your body.


If you're having difficulty, just reconnect to that original thing you would say yes to, that hell yes moment.


What is it made out of?


Does it move somewhere?


Does it have a lasting effect?


And so just listening to all those things, that's your emphatic yes. That's in your body.


Now, I want you to do the same thing, but I want you to do this with a no.


This exercise will let you make choices in the future by listening inward instead of outward.


Do not let your brain make all your choices.  


Know that your gut has a plan for you and is here to serve you.  


Next time you don’t want to go out just say, “ I don’t feel like it.”

3. Slow down and connect to breath more.


Most of us are living the rat race thinking we need to do more to deserve more.


We forget that love and compassion is not a reward it is deserved by and for everyone.


Sometimes a simple walking meditation, breathing meditation, or simply taking three deep breaths every hour to reconnect can really help us listen to our body’s needs more often.


How can we know what we want if we don’t even know when we are hungry or tired? How can we make the same successful results if we are not sure how we created them the first time?


Part of learning success is slowing down and taking note of what is happening along the way. If we rush too much in life we are forgetting that it is both our successes and failures that we create in our lives.


While I am totally a person who loves magic, I know that the success in my life is not magic from somewhere random. Success is me doing my magic!


I hope this has been a great introduction to some ways you can start listening to your body and start making new shifts in your life.


I have seen people take these steps and meet the love of their life, build the revolutionary business of their dreams, and heal their chronic physical pains within months when they were barely in the belief of the possibility beforehand.


While all of these tips are relatively simple to start doing, the practice is about consistency and can get quite complex.


The body speaks, learn the language.

Brooke Wolf

Brook Woolf



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