Top 7 Spiritual Development Courses on Udemy

Udemy Spiritual Development Course (1)

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I admit I am a Spiritual development junkie if you can't already tell.  Spiritual Development Courses are my jam right next to books!


As a clarity coach, I focus on helping strong badass boss babes get clarity on their life purpose and goals. I  find that expanding my knowledge base when it comes to spiritual healing I further develop myself and help my clients as well.


Mindset is the biggest piece of the puzzle when it comes to unearthing and bringing your purpose to light.


If you have a curiosity about certain topics save yourself time and energy by learning directly from a Udemy course.


Save yourself from endless scrolling on the internet or youtube video searching by taking a quick class online that will cover all of your basis. TRUST ME! SO MUCH EASIER!


I stick to the courses of some of my favorite teachers and mentors for many spiritual development topics and work.

I have also found Udemy to be an excellent resource for some of the topics I want to know more about quickly and easily. Even the super weird ones!


Below is a list of some of my favorite topics and courses offered by Udemy.


There are many more that can be found be taking a quick peek at the Udemy website and they are ALWAYS on sale! Happy Learning Babe!

Reiki Level I, II, and Master/ Teacher Training


I wanted to learn Reiki mainly to dip my toes in and learn to heal myself.


This course came highly recommended with mostly 5-star reviews. Lisa Power's is the instructor and her course does not disappoint.


I highly recommend this course especially if you want to learn how to heal yourself and your family. This course has been life-changing for me and is full of resources including a dedicated Facebook group.


Find TheCourse:: Reiki I, II, and Master/Teacher Training

How to Get Rid of Anxiety

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This course just calls to me! This is the great thing about Udemy is you can learn about any topic you are curious about.


Some of what this course will teach you includes how to dig into your intuition and tune into your psychic abilities to make money, improve your relationships, and be able to listen to your inner voice.


If you want to start on your Psychic journey and/or just even a little curious then this course is an amazing start.


Find The Course: INTUITION DEVELOPMENT-Increase Your INTUITION + Psychic

Hypnotherapy Certification Course

Hypnotherapy is the practice of Hypnosis. If you are skeptical why not try the course or at least read the reviews.


Hypnotherapy is actually a very powerful pay to heal yourself and others.


Hypnotherapy is used at a deep psychological level to change limiting believe patterns, addictions, and destructive habits.


Again, taking a course is a great way to learn a topic. If you really apply what you have learned you will see significant changes in your life and those that you are able to help as well.


Find The Course: Hypnotherapy Certification Course

Shamanic Initiation for Spiritual Awakening and Liberation

The topic of Shamanic Healing was new to me. The deeper I fell into the "woo" rabbit hole the more I heard about it and how powerful it can be.


The instructor invites you to explore ancient shamanic healing rites techniques that have been past down for thousands of years.


Shamanism is a way of getting in touch with your spirituality and connecting to the Earth. It promotes healing of wounds both physical and emotional. It is not tied to any religion or any specific method, but a holistic practice of healing.


This course takes you through an empowering journey of healing yourself. You will unearth your internal wisdom through meditations, attunements, video lectures, and more.


Find The Course: Shamanic Initiation for Spiritual Awakening and Liberation

Your 7 Chakras: The Complete Guide to Your Energy Body

Want to learn more about your chakras and energy healing?


There is a module for understanding each chakra and learning to remove blockages that are causing an energetic imbalance in your body, mind, and soul.


Such a thorough course that covers the topic of chakras and energy healing so thoroughly.


Find The Course: Your 7 Chakras: The Complete Guide to Your Energy Body

Essential Oils Aromatherapy Uses & Benefits


If you love essential oils and aromatherapy then this class is for you.


There is a lot of misinformation about how to use essential oils properly even by those who sell them a direct marketer.


I see it the wrong and even dangerous info being distributed every day especially when it comes to suggestions on how to apply essential oils topically and even orally.


This class covers the various types of essential oils and their benefits, how to make healing blends and homemade recipes along with a history of aromatherapy amongst many other topics.


This is a great course if you want to learn how to use your essentials more effectively and introduce new oils and techniques to your arsenal.


Find The Course: Essential Oils Aromatherapy Uses & Benefits

The Art of Mindfulness Meditation: Mindfulness Made Simple

Meditation is a hard subject for many including myself. We are told the benefits of meditation (reduces stress, improves mindset, health, and self-awareness ect), but how do you even begin??!


I think starting on your meditation journey is helpful when you take a course such as this. Many people start meditation then get frustrated and quit their practice before they make any progress.


This course has become a best seller on Udemy and teaches that concept of mindfulness. If the idea of trying to "silence your mind" has been tough, try this course that allows you to put attention on the present moment.


By tuning into what is currently happening in the present moment you can make powerful changes to your conscious thinking patterns.


You can redirect your focus which will, in turn, attract more of what you want in life.


Find The Course: The Art of Mindfulness Meditation

How to Get Rid of Anxiety

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I hope you enjoyed this rundown of some the best course found easily on Udemy to learn some new topics that you have been curious about.

Sara Daigle - Life Clarity and Power Coach
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