10 Girl Boss Books to Inspire and Motivate You

Girl Boss Book Ideas


This book quickly became one of my favorites.


This memoir shows how Rachel limiting beliefs and societal norms to live out her life purpose.


She walks courageously walks us through the lies that we often base our belief structures upon that keep us from pursuing our truth and passions in life.


Rachel talks to us like we are her BGG and she shares her struggles with relationships, motherhood, alcohol and mom culture.


She easily dispells belief systems we have in place from society, religion, and ourselves.

You Are a Badass ®: Jen Sincero

This book is worth a reading multiples and picking up every now and then for a boost of inspiration.


This really is a great guide to understanding and practicing the Law of Attraction.


In simple terms and with easy action steps Jen walks us through how to push fear aside and change our mindset in order to make our desires a reality.


She throws out some major truth bombs here and allows us to see where we are giving ourselves excuses to be less than exceptional.


Girl Code: Cara Alwill Leyba

This is my favorite book from Cara! Cara is an amazing master life coach and a glam boss babe who help us live life as the strong women we have dreamt of embodying.


This book provides us with stories with amazing female entrepreneurs (including one of my favs Shirley Manson from the band GARBAGE!) who created a life of meaning and success for themselves.


I love to pick up this book when I'm feeling lackluster and just not taking care of myself.


She reminds us all in this book stay in touch with your personal power and allow ourselves to feel honored.

The 5 Second Rule: Mel Robbins


Mel Robbins teaches us to push forward and embrace our confidence.


Her "5 Second Rule" is about relinquishing self-doubt and honoring our intuition and internal truth.


If you love actionable advice and tips that you can implement in your life every day read this book.


She gives us pointers of being more productive while stepping fully into our power.

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Year of Yes: Shonda Rhimes

Shonda Rhimes who is best known as the creator of Grey's Anatomy ( my favorite tv show of all time) and Scandal bares her soul and journey through self-doubt to empowerment.


She is hilarious and compassionately full of inspiration.


Learn her stories of how she opened herself to endless possibilities and kept herself out of her comfort zone to propel forward in life.


If you have been saying no and fear the unknown and new, check out this book which illustrates how we can say yes to more opportunities to experience more growth and magic.



Big Magic: Elizabeth Gilbert


Elizabeth Gilbert shows us how to honor the creative muse inside of us and how to step past fear.


She shares her stories of feeling stuck and how to push past any of our excuses to step into our fullest and most creative power.


With a fun and lighthearted tone, Elizabeth Gilbert inspires and helps us unearth our passions without the need to compare or get stuck in analysis paralysis.

Daring Greatly: Brené Brown

Brene's writing has always been a source of healing for me.


In Daring Greatly, she opens us up to take a deep look into our relationship with ourselves and our relationships with others.


As we shed light on our triumphs and failures we can look deeper into how can feel fulfilled in life by allowing us to share ourselves with others while maintaining a sense of self and boundaries.



THRIVE: Arianna Huffington

This is a refreshing read from someone who understands boundaries and personal care.


Arianna shows we can value ourselves and our personal needs (including sleep!) while becoming wildly successful.


Ariana shows how we can be successful and ambitious but still maintain our core values.

The 4-Hour Workweek: Tim Ferris

This is the book that started it all for me.


I read this book almost 10 years before ditching the 9-5 and starting my own entrepreneurial journey.


This book always stayed with me and helped plant the seed of starting a dream business that creates ultimate freedom.


Tim breaks down how to create your biz and work with a lifestyle of freedom and time. If you have ever dreamt about being a location independent entrepreneur READ THIS BOOK!

Like She Owns The Place - Cara Alwill Leyba

Another Cara gem! I got this book just a few weeks ago and OMG another piece of gold!


You will feel inspired and confident after you dive into this empowering gem.

Cara shares with us personal and inspiring stories to upgrade our lives!

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