9 Insane Blog Income Reports: Blogs that make $500 – $100K per month

Bloggers Making Money Online
How do bloggers make money online

** There may be some affiliate links below. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases <3.

I wanted to share some blog income reports with you to show you the power and money that can be made from blogging.


I never get tired of reading blog income reports.


They are a great source of inspiration and data for me as grow my blog each and every month.




Blog income reports are extremely powerful to read in that they show how bloggers make money.


They usually provide a pretty decent breakdown of what programs, and products they were able to earn money from.


Bloggers love to put out log income reports because they draw attention.


They are also a great way to earn affiliate income from services they recommend throughout the post.

**PS If you are interested in Starting a Blog please check out this blog post:

How To Start A Blog Now For Powerful Boss Babes


Below is a great list of bloggers who put their income and expenses out there for all to see.


I decided to showcase blogs that make anywhere from $1,000 per month all the way to $100,000.


By seeing this range of bloggers I hope you see those who are making a bit of money as a side hustle.


I also want to you to see those who are making a flow blown and huge income to show the possibilities.


Making money online is has limitless options and these bloggers show that.

$100-$10K Per Month

Kendra Blogs :

How I Made $513.60 with a New Blog and A Small Audience


At the time of this income report, Kendra's blog is only 3 months old and already generating income!


She shows how quickly you can make money blogging. She shares the blog posts she posted in the past two months and what has earned her money.

Maya Maceka:

How I Made $779 In My Third Month Blogging


This blogger has started off her blogging game with income from ads and web hosting.


She shows how you can start to make money blogging as and affiliate and digital nomad.

Taylor Stanford: 

How I Made $2,052.32 In June 2018 Blogging (June 2018 Income Report)


Taylor is really ramping up her blogging and earning money without a ton of page views.


She was able to earn over $2k With less than 10K page views. In blogging, we put such a HUGE focus on page views.


It is so nice to see a blogger making money with this many page views. Definitely inspiring for me!


$10K-$50K Per Month

Root And Revel: 



Kate is a wellness blogger that I recently started following. She is doing an incredible job utilizing Pinterest to grow her audience.


She makes a great income from affiliate marketing. Definitely check her out if you are in the health and wellness niche!

Fit Mom Journey:

June 2018 Blog Traffic & Income Report - $13,181


Gretchen is a health blogger who makes quite a bit from affiliate marketing.


She as great web traffic with most of it coming from Pinterest.


Another great example of someone driving Pinterest traffic and making money from affiliates.

Just A Girl and Her Blog:

December 2016 Traffic and Income Report - $41,700


Although Just a Girl and Her Blog stopped posting income reports at the end of 2016 they are still an incredible resource.


Abby has been a strong blogger sharing her income with us since 2014. I still like to look over her old income reports to see how she started as a hobby blogger.


Her newer blog posts still provide lots of insight on starting and running a blog.

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Over $50K Per Month

Billionaire Blog Club:

How I Made $76,139.09 This Month Blogging From Home


I love Scrivs (Paul Scrivens). I took his Billionaire Blog Club course and it was the best course I have taken to help out my business.


** The course is actually in its last run at $397 and will be revamped for August at $1500.00. 


If you enroll now you will be grandfathered into his new blogging course while paying the cheaper rate.


If you'd like to sign up here is my affiliate link: www.sarakdaigle.com/bbc


That's saying a lot because I've taken A LOT of courses. Paul runs I believe over 10 blogs and is able to make money from most of them.


I highly suggest taking his Free 12 Day Blog Bootcamp for an awesome jampacked way to learn how to start blogging.



Making Sense of Cents: 

Michelle Schroeder is another, big time blogger, earning mad money.


Michelle put out the Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing course (which I have taken and loved!).


She shows how she earns money from a wide variety of sources including her killer course on how to start affiliate marketing.

Smart Passive Income: 

My December 2017 Monthly Income Report - $167,553.31


Pat Flynn is my favorite resource for blogging and business.


An all around cool dude, he has been publishing income reports since 2008 and sharing his knowledge with his audience ever since.


Check out his Smart Passive Income YouTube Channel if you want more of Pat!


Just a few of the blogs I follow and how much they are able to make from their blog.

Super eye-opening and helpful to you especially if you are thinking of blogging.




My Blog Post - How To Start A Blog Now For Powerful Boss Babes


Paul Scrivens Free Blogging Course - 12 Day Free Blogging  Bootcamp


Michelle Schroeder's Affiliate Course - Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing

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How much do bloggers make?
Blog Income Reports
How do bloggers make money online